Seeing Clearly: What To Expect Before, During, And After Cataract Surgery


If you have cataracts, you're not alone. As many as 20.5 million Americans over age 40 suffer from the eye cloudiness and loss of vision having cataracts can cause, and 50% of people over 80 suffer from this condition as well. The good news about having cataracts is that the condition is relatively harmless and merely causes double, cloudy, or loss of vision over time. The bad news is that some cataracts become so severe or life-altering that they require surgery. Luckily, advanced cataract surgery carries a high success rate, allowing you to see more clearly and possibly even better than you could prior to getting cataracts. Here is what to expect before, during, and after your cataract surgery.


Your optometrist will measure your eyes and determine how severe your cataracts are. They will explain to you the removal process, which typically involves using an advanced precision laser to gently remove the offending cloudiness from your eye. Prior to surgery, it's important that you follow all your eye doctor's orders, including avoiding drinking alcohol or taking certain medications the day before surgery is done.


Cataract surgery is typically an outpatient procedure that takes an hour or less to perform. You are awake during the procedure, but given medication for pain and relaxation. An ultrasound probe is often used to break up the cataract so it can be successfully removed with a laser. While a small incision is often made in the eye, you will not be able to feel anything, nor will the surgery have lasting uncomfortable side effects once the procedure is done. You will want to have someone drive you home after cataract surgery, as your vision will still be blurry and you may be groggy from your sedatives and anesthetics.


Expect your vision to improve within the few days following your surgery. Your eyes may be irritated and red, but don't scratch them. It's important that you avoid going out in the sun or rubbing your eyes. Your optometrist will likely want to visit with you a few days after surgery to see how you are healing. After a week or so, your eyesight should be greatly improved and your healing mainly complete.

Getting cataract surgery may sound like a frightening procedure, but it's actually very minor and non-invasive. You may even be able to see with better clarity than you did before you even had cataracts, which can greatly improve your quality of life. Bring all concerns about advanced cataract surgery to your eye doctor.

For more information, contact a company like Northwest Ophthalmology.


11 June 2016

Family Eye Care Guide For Clear Vision

Hi, I'm Deena, and as I neared middle age, I noticed that my eyesight wasn't as good as it used to be. I first started out needing reading glasses to read the small print in magazines, and then a few months later, I had to put them on to see the computer screen clearly. I knew by then that my eyes were getting worse and that I needed to do something quickly. I made an appointment with the optometrist and the doctor gave me an eye exam. Even though my sight wasn't as bad as I had feared, I still needed prescription glasses. I love my new glasses because I can actually see now. I have put together a lot of information about eye problems, eye tests and even various types of eye wear so that others don't wait as long as I did to see the eye doctor.